Sometimes things just get away from one! Between the rest of my time in Perth , flying to Sydney, meeting up with friend Lisa (going on the rest of my/now our trip with me), the Mensa Australia Annual Meeting and other activities in Sydney, a trip to the Blue Mountains, flying to New Zealand, renting a car (and remembering how to drive on the left side of the road), visiting Hobbiton, driving to Rotorua, doing things there, dropping off our rental car, flying to Wellington, taking the ferry to Picton (south island), pickng up a new rental car in a raw, windy, and pretty serious rain, driving to Kaikoura, doing things there, driving to Christchurch, doing things in that area, driving to Mount Cook and finally arriving in Queenstown ... I somehow haven't posted to this blog!
But now I'm going to start to make up for being over three weeks in arrears - now, finally - I have some time start giving you updates! The difficulty isn't the narrative parts (although they do take time), it's the time to go through the hundreds, if not thousands, of pictures to find the right ones to include in this blog. However, you should start to see new posts cascading (I hope) out over the next few days.
In fact, since I first wrote this (it's been sitting in my drafts) I have now - mostly - caught up to the point where Lisa & I are about to fly to New Zealand. But I may have missed one or two things along the way. At least one in fact, because I never posted about the Museum of Western Australia. So here goes.
Boola Bardip, in Perth. This is the updated museum, and its name means Many Stories in the language of the local Maori tribe, the Nyoongar. The museum has eight permanent exhibitions that explore the people, the biodiversity, the history of the area and the people, and the many areas of WA. Along, of course with visiting exhibitions, talks, events and programs. After visiting, I think it really is a must-see place.
It was a visually quite stunning, and there was SO much to see, I really didn't have time. I took a few pictures, but mostly I just experienced the varied exhibitions and tried to absorb as much as I could.
The one exception to not doing much in the way of recording the contents was the final area I visited. It was a video with stories and memories recounted by remaining memories of family members with Nyoongar tribe. It wasn't really possible to record the entire video, but I did manage to get an audio recording of the experience. I am not able to add it to this post, but if you would like me to send it to you, just let me know. Very moving, and funny, and sad, and touching, and informative.